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Randy Kyes addresses U.S. delegation on collaboration between WaNPRC and partner primate research center in Indonesia

Bruce Alberts (left) and Randy Kyes (right)

Randy Kyes, head of the Center’s International Programs Division, discussed 20 years of successful scientific collaboration between the WaNPRC and the Primate Research Center at Bogor Agricultural University (PSSP-IPB) on May 16 in front of a U.S. delegation in Bogor, Indonesia.

Kyes was invited by the PSSP-IPB to discuss the Indonesian primate research center’s longstanding collaboration with the WaNPRC. The U.S. delegation in attendance included Bruce Alberts, U.S. Science Envoy and editor-in-chief of the journal Science.

“I reviewed the history of the collaboration, noting how this venture has helped support the development of PSSP-IPB’s infrastructure, the training of its scientists and staff, and its current standing as one of Southeast Asia’s premier primate research facilities,” Kyes said. “ I also spoke about the annual field training program on Tinjil Island and how this collaborative program has provided research and training opportunities for more than 60 U.S. students and staff, and more than 200 Indonesian students and professionals.”

Alberts spoke first at the May 16 event in Bogor, Indonesia, highlighting President Obama’s commitment to global partnerships in science and technology. Alberts emphasized the importance of collaborative exchange of scholars, educational and training opportunities for students and scientists from both countries, and the governmental mechanisms needed to help facilitate and support these initiatives.

Following the talk by Kyes, Alberts noted that the partnership between the WaNPRC and the PSSP-IPB was an impressive example of international collaboration.

“It’s wonderful to see the U.S. government taking serious steps to promote international collaboration in science and technology,” Kyes said. “Our primate center has been a leader in international collaboration for years and given our extensive network of global partnerships, we are well-positioned to contribute to this important government initiative.”

Kyes had been in Indonesia conducting a field course and completing a decade-long population survey of the endangered Sulawesi black macaque.